The Bank of Montreal is one of PCL’s primary customers and knows that BMO have strict brand and identity standards. That’s why it is a pleasure working with Galaxie Signs Ltd. and your skilled design & creative specialists that understand BMO’s branding. BMO is one of Canada’s top financial institutions and can attribute some of that success to Galaxie helping draw new members to their banks with effective & visually stimulating signage.

Cameron Seniors SocietyCameron Seniors’ Society would like to thank you very much for all the involvement you had with our purchasing committee discussing, planning, and installing the new sign for the members to enjoy in the Maple Room. The sign is very impressive and many members speak about different aspects of the sign that they particularly appreciate!
In the future, if we need your company’s services again we will not hesitate to call for your advice!
Thank-you Galaxie Signs for manufacturing illuminated signage for over 60 of our Cobs Bread locations across Canada. The quality signage and service we receive from you is top notch and we value our working relationship with you. COBS Bread is one of the fastest growing bakery companies in Canada and we appreciate that you have worked together with us to meet our signage demands.